
Includes Corporate, Hipster, and Latin word lists.

  • Formulate a new business plan!
  • Sound smart at meetings!
  • Communicate with the Board Of Directors on their level!
  • Amaze your boss with your marketing fluency!
  • Prove to your hipster friends that you knew about this local, freegan band long before they did!

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Synergy is the Lorem Ipsum generator Peter Gibbons would use in a TPS Report...if he were a graphic designer and had a need for a Lorem Ipsum generator.

The slider sets the amount of jargon that is generated. You can also add your own custom words to the mix.

This app has been called "one of the great achievements of human thought".

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iOS 16 or higher required.

Current version: 3.5
Brian Haslanger,

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Synergy does not collect any identifying information. If you have enabled crash reporting for all apps on your iOS device, the developer will receive anonymous crash reports to help improve the stability of the app. No specific information (such as custom words) are read or stored off of the device.